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Sewer Lift Station Operation Manuals

Helping you improve resiliency during emergency events.

Proper wastewater collection and treatment is critical in maintaining a healthy way of life. As the population of a community grows, the demand for this service becomes more important.

The loss of primary power to wastewater lift stations can cause the loss of the ability to transport wastewater from the community to the treatment plant, resulting in sewerage overflows and backups in homes and neighborhoods. Power failure at a sewerage lift station can be caused by many things, from a vehicle hitting a power pole to a storm or a hurricane taking out a main distribution tower.


The loss of power to a sewer lift station cannot always be avoided and is usually caused by uncontrollable actions. An action plan should be developed to address power loss issues. Without an action plan to quickly respond to power loss at a lift station, overflows are possible. Raw sewage backing up into homes or onto property and into waterways can result in displacement of residents and business closures. Sewage backups and overflows can also cause major property damage and are a serious threat to public health and the environment.

We help wastewater utilities develop strategies to meet power and pumping demands during outages. Depending on the station, strategies might include the use of portable and permanent generators, emergency pump outs, vacuum trucks, permanent back-up pumps, or portable pumps.



  • Compile as-built drawings for each facility

  • Compile O&M manuals for individual facility components

  • Conduct site visits to document station components and operations

  • Develop a guide on the station’s operations during emergency operations

  • Identify types of automation control failure and how to bypass if needed

  • Develop a quick start up guide for pumping operations

  • Identify pumping and backup power strategies to address outages 

  • Compile information into lift station operation manuals

We will help you reduce the risk of sanitary sewer overflows

Who We Serve

Let's talk about your needs.


Bob Dale
Sewer Lift Station Expert

Email Bob:


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